10 and 1/2 hours in the car is too long I've decided! From Deadwood, SD, through North Dakota, across the Canadian border, and into 'Moose Jaw, SK'. You would would think with a drive that long you would think there would be a few interesting parts in the trip. No, 10 and 1/2 hours of flat, boring land. The most interesting part was going past a caravan park that had no less then 150 permanent caravans, all the same, all lined up.
The original plan was to stay the night in North Dakota and cross the border tomorrow but we were travelling fine, so it was decided to keep going, with only a short drive to 'Cut Knife, SK', where our family friends live - our base for the next 4 weeks.
There isn't much more to tell except that Bailey and I just spent 2 hours at the indoor water slide at our hotel, and we are very excited for tomorrow!
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